[SerialICE] an idea

Carl-Daniel Hailfinger c-d.hailfinger.devel.2006 at gmx.net
Fri Nov 27 00:31:37 CET 2009

On 27.11.2009 00:24, Carl-Daniel Hailfinger wrote:
> Give me 16 bytes of CAR/RAM and some registers (32bit reg for address,
> 8bit reg for data) to work with, and I can give you an interface that
> can do byte writes.

I think I should clarify this. If a chip requires n bytes to be written
at once (some chips absolutely require 128 bytes (known), some others
may require 256 bytes (not so sure)), and we can use standard JEDEC
sequences, we need n+15 bytes of CAR/RAM for the write. A FIFO or other
scratchpad (in-chipset "BIOS RAM") will do, but it has to reach a
sustained data rate of 80 kByte/s at the very minimum (and that may
result in flaky writes, so let's be conservative and require 200 kByte/s).


Developer quote of the month: 
"We are juggling too many chainsaws and flaming arrows and tigers."

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