[SerialICE] [RFC] Object Oriented Device Model?

Peter Stuge peter at stuge.se
Sat Nov 21 20:32:33 CET 2009

Stefan Reinauer wrote:
> Since we seem to have additional filter rules for every board, BIOS,
> SuperIO and chipset we support, I gave it a shot and prototyped a small
> "object oriented device model" for our filters. So each filter could run
> through all registered components for a board and run the filters suited
> for that hardware (and only those).

How does it work now? There's a single filter with lots of different
rules for each component? I think this is a good improvement then!

> function superio_smsc:new(o)
> 	o = o or { } -- create object if user does not provide one
> 	setmetatable(o, self)
> 	self.__index = self
> 	return o
> end

I think initializers should be generic and out of the way, if
possible. It would be nice to avoid having fifteen new() that all
look exactly the same.


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